BLABLA architecture's profile

Home is wherever I´m with you :)

This is a project I do with my boyfriend.
It doesn´t matter where we live as long as we have each other…
We represent our dream home. It´s full of fresh air, with beautiful view out of our imaginary windows and always with perfect location :)
It took one year to find the perfect places for our living room, bathroom, bedroom and dining room. And we haven´t finished yet :) we still have some rooms missing. We are getting ready to have our kitchen built righ now…
As you can see we use old furniture that we usually find on the street, or somebody want´s to throw away. (you don´t need to buy new things in order to live happily :) )
It´s always fun, because we never know who is going to take the picture. They are taken by random people passing by, so everybody keeps asking what is going on…
If you don´t want to miss any other picture,

just visit our facebook
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There´s no better flat location than the city center. :) /bedroom
well, we decided to show you, what a beautiful bathroom we have.
OK, it´s kind of old and wet, but who cares. :D
Please have a look on our original water floor...;D
We decided to eat fresh.
It has many advantages...:Dfor example, you don´t need to wait till your coffee gets cold enough to drink it...
/dining room
can you imagine better view from your livingroom
Home is wherever I´m with you :)

Home is wherever I´m with you :)

The main message of our project is that it doesn´t matter where we live as long as we have each other. We take pictures in different locations. Read More
