Web Tv - Black & White Film Festival

From April 18 to 21, 2011 the School of Arts from the Portuguese Catholic University - Porto opens its doors to monochromatic aesthetics. The 9th Black & White Audiovisual Festival, which receives video, audio and photographs in black and white, will take into competition works from all over the world.

With unique worldwide characteristics this initiative grew from the need to answer to the audience's growing sensitivity to black & white specificity, leaving behind the prejudice that relates this aesthetics with works of early cinema.

But the festival shows more than videos and photos in two colours, it also encourages the creation of sound environments referring to the black and white.

Over four days, several activities related to the audiovisual world will be carried out in addition to the competitions: artist talks, screenings and extensions from other international festivals. The nights will also be exciting with a broad cultural program.

Produced by Luis Sousa and Filipe Carvalhal
Conception by Pedro Moreira 
Directed by Sofia Oliveira
Graphics by Vanessa Oliveira, Bruno Lopes, Zedi Carvalho (José Diogo Carvalho)
Sound by Dinis Henriques, João Almeida and Zedi Carvalho (José Diogo Carvalho)
Cameras by José Diogo Magro, Samuel Laderach, André Castro, Francisco Bartilotti, Bruno Lopes, Vanessa Oliveira, João Martins, Gerardo Burmester, Paulo Castro.
Photography by Paulo Castro
Zedi Carvalho (José Diogo Carvalho).
Supervisor Helena Figueiredo

Hosts: Pedro Moreira, Nataly Lima, Celine Valente (Bit Radio interviews), Marta Mota, Inês Torres and Sara Silva.

Worked at Black & White's Web TV in the year 2011 as well, in the same functions as listed above.
Web Tv - Black & White Festival