Kathrin Honesta sin profil

The Undaunted Dandelion Project (1)

Back in 2014, I did a personal branding/ portfolio titled The Undaunted Dandelion for my final year project. It's a story about a girl called Dandelion who is going to step out into a big strange world (By any sense, back then it was a symbol of graduating and entering the real world of the industry). Basically it's a story that leaves an open-ending, inviting people to follow her through her journey.

Dandelion pretty much is a reflection of myself, my thought, anxiety, hope, basically a mash of all things I feel internally. I relate so much to this character, and so I would love to create more of Dandelion's story. What you're about to see here is a development of Dandelion's characters and I called it "The Undaunted Dandelion Project", a still on-going doodle project about Dandelion.

I doodled about things responding to questions I asked myself, for example just trivial things like Dandelion's inner world; where does she live? what is she doing at her spare time?, or sometimes using Dandelion to tell a message I am reflecting about. This project is an exploration for myself, it still leaves an open-ending for me too and I guess that is what makes this project exciting.

In a way, as I am getting to know Dandelion, I am slowly learning parts of myself too.

Good night rest
If you are surrounded by all the ugly truths in life, sometimes it takes courage.
A courage to hope and to dream that somehow you can make it better. In any little possible way.

"The bad dream will be over; it will be morning." — C.S Lewis
Dancing when nobody is looking
Quiet Time
Meet Okui, the pet tortoise. When I was a child, I used to have a pet tortoise and my grandma told me that when he grew big enough,
I could go ride at his back and he would carry me grocery shopping :)

Discovery (1/4):

The day she discovered a fallen star
Discovery (2/4):

When one no longer dreams, a star will fall.
So like all fallen stars, no matter how bright it is, the light will eventually fades away and it will become a cold, lifeless stone.

Whenever she discovers a fallen star, she hope that one day, she will find a star whose light will last.

But yet until this very moment, she couldn't find one that does.
Discovery (3/4):

Every fallen star which has lost its light, is called a dead star.

She feels that it is her duty to put a dead stars to where it belong. There is a place she knows deep in the woods.
She doesn't know who decide to put it that way at the first place, but for all she knows, it has been there for many many years.

So then up, up the hill she goes, to The Graveyard of the Dead Stars.
Discovery (4/4):

The Graveyard of the Dead Stars; for the old, long forgotten dreams.
23 July. Today was the day a star fell out from my constellation. It has been two years. We miss you, pa.
Caught off guard
Facing the Giant. Sometimes the giant is you, yourself.
Please fly me far, far away from here
Good thoughts only
Up on the hill, there is this huge planetarium where the Dandelion works. It's the only building there in the woods.
No one knows since when it was built.
This is a collaboration piece with Lulu, Eleanore Grace's character:

Tonight, the Dandelion & Okui are invited by Lulu for her Little tea party. Lulu and Dandelion felt so blessed to sit under the moonlit and beautiful stars. They were reminiscing their childhood dreams. It's such a silly little story of Lulu, who wanted to be a scientist when she saw Mickey Mouse wearing lab suit and mixing some chemicals in a video game.

While Dandelion had a dream to be a comic artist. She created her own comic and even wrote a reply letter to her comic fans (which actually she's the one who also wrote it!).
Time led them to a different path and what both of them wished now was nothing more than to create something meaningful for people through their artwork. For sure, they are making their dreams come true. What's your childhood and current dream?

A piece for Creative Expo Taiwan, where I exhibited a few pieces from The Undaunted Dandelion series.
For more updates on this project, feel free to follow The Undaunted Dandelion's instagram & facebook page.

The Undaunted Dandelion Project (1)


The Undaunted Dandelion Project (1)

A late #inktober doodle series.
