John Drefahls profil

Walt Disney Family Museum Website redesign/recode

The user is greated at the home page with option of either viewing a branded web optimized video or to go directly into the web site itself.  I do not have analytics on the success of the video conversion.  But I am curious, just as you!   The rest of the web site is pretty amazing.  Each section is a customized masterpiece in front-end execution.  With the help of Reggie Granados and Emilio Martinez of Swirl.  We were able to accomplish a near seamless integration with Drupal wIth fly-outs and other fancy UI treats we organize a lot in information in one place.  This was a huge site with over 500 legacy post's of content, not to mention the whole job of integrating new content, and educating the small web site maintaince crew at the Walt Disney Family Museum how to update and maintain the site on a weekly to sometimes daily basis,  There was a reason why Swirl spent 1 year, god knows how many different contractors, and what had to had been a small fortune in pro-bono work.  It was to get a signature site with the name Walt DIsney on it, and get it right eventually they did.  They knew that sooner or later the right combination of talent would eventually come together.  Swirl were willing to invest in that fact, take the chance of it becoming a black hole, and I think in th end it really paid off for them with such a great site.
Currently acting as the lead developer and Drupal architect for the on-going redesign, and re-deployment of the Walt Disney Family Museum website for
The "Blog" are was one of the more "customized" of all the sections.  We had not only to take into consideration past 200+ blog posts, each with their own pictures and accompaning media which makes them the timeless like all things Disney.  After mapping the old Blog Post Type taxonomy we were able to come up with something new, and a nice introduction for the latest posts as well.  This was the biggest and most complicated Drupal 7+ integration I had ever taken on.
Walt Disney Family Museum Website redesign/recode

Walt Disney Family Museum Website redesign/recode

I served as the lead Drupal Architect and initial full-stack Drupal Developer on the site. After 6 months of work on own I was lucky to be staffe Läs mer


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