Revolutionizing small business systems
Podzy is your own on-premise encrypted dropbox server solution for small business (SME’s). The standard plan includes 6Tb of local space and your own Storage Pod. Podzy gives you all of the features of Dropbox with the storage space and speed of an on-premise file server.

We believe in this amazing technology so much that we’ve got one on order. We can’t wait, it’s going to change our lives.

We brainstormed a great tagline to encapsulate the brand story and drive the creative. The design was inspired by the unit which was already in production and the icon the client has been using for another successful business. Taking this on as a great brand asset not only gave us instant credibility but a nice metaphor for the intelligent product this is, a ‘Little Storage Genius’. Being one of a kind, the colors were carefully selected to differentiate from its competitors. The light that shines through the unit is the same flouro green we selected to print the business cards. The language is bold, simple and loud to demonstrate how simple Podzy is to use despite its complex technology.
Here’s a sneak peek of the prototype…


We brainstormed a great tagline to encapsulate the brand story and drive the creative. The design was inspired by the unit which was already in p 閱讀更多
