Francis Dufours profil

Bullying must stop - Part 1

Bullying must stop - Part 1
Film Set Photography from Période Infernale by photographer Francis Dufour
Dubai, 30th May 2012  —  Have you ever been victim of bullying? I have. I was in high-school, maybe 14 or 15 years old at the time. Tough guys threatened me and I was scared to be beaten. So every time I was going to school or going back home, I was making long detours to avoid being seen by those crazy boys.  Thankfully, they eventually forgot about me and did not get beaten. But I had suffered from intimidation and psychological violence.

It happened to Adam Tanguay too, a Canadian young man from Vaudreuil-Dorion. But unfortunately, the impact has been worse for him. The solution was to definitely quit school. Trying not to sink, Adam has worked very hard to overcome his fears and look forward. Fortunately, he eventually got back to school. With the help and support of Michel Dubé, a social worker helping young drop-out adults going back to school, Adam has written the story of a film based on his own experience. The film is called "Période Infernale" and is now a reality. With only $ 30 000, it has been nicely filmed and directed by Dominic Bouffard and Frédérik Bernier from db promedia inc. Nearly 250 volunteers have given their time and talent to make the film a success. Adam's goal is to open our eyes on the dramatic consequences of bullying. He invites us to take action against it. Launched this spring, Période Infernale is now distributed throughout the schools in Quebec and Canada.

What is bullying?
Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. It can include verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. The "imbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target". Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal, and physical. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation. (Source : Wikipedia)

This film is based on the life of Adam Tanguay, 25 years old, photographed here with young actress
Camille Couture Madore. Adam wanted to condemn bullying at school and wrote the script as a form of psychotherapy. Adam is the author and the co-producer.
Oliver Price plays Tim, the main character of the film. Despite been victim of violence and intimidation at school, Tim tries to live a normal life while hiding the facts from his parents till he gets hospitalized after getting beaten by many students.
 Could this be a sign of remorse?
 Actors Philippe Dugas, Alexandre Major and Brendan Mergl play the persecutors.
 Brandon Mergl play a key character torned between his friends and his conscience.
Young actress Frédérique Bouffard.
Philippe Dugas, playing one of the persecutors.
 Co-author and producer Michel Dubé.
 Film director Dominic Bouffard playing with conviction as he gives his directives to the young actors.
 Photo director Frédérik Bernier discussing with Dominic Bouffard (to the right).
Bullying must stop - Part 1

Bullying must stop - Part 1

Film set photography of Période Infernale, a french canadian film about bullying at school.
