Henkilön Danny Doom profiili

"The Theory of Everything"

"The Theory of Everything“

Original: 200 x 140

technique: wood framed canvas, earth, coffee, pencil, acrylics, spray paint and love

Solution: The Theorie of Everything equals Everything. Or 42.

“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.”
― Stephen Hawking

Fotos: Kevin Schulzbus, Thomas Schlorke, Dieser Doom

"Thanks for taking time. Stay golden, do more and always remember,
whatever you do, don´t panic."

Your Doom

"The Theory of Everything"

"The Theory of Everything"

new paintings in progress – 120 x 120 on canvas acrylics, translucent acrylics, wax, hairspray, water, earth


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