Product Character "Bob the Float"
Commission from a UK agency to produce a Character to promote an established Fishing tackle retailer. "Bob" the float was suggested, and from the initial pencil sketches the name would better fit a more friendly humorous character. But the Customer wanted a more "High tech" feel, so we developed the robot like Bob.

Vector illustrated using Adobe illustrator and using SketchUp to help with shadow and especially reflection.
Developed for a client in the UK. A super hero type of float.
The chosen pencil visual is then developed using SketchUp to help with shadow and reflection reference.
Pencil visuals showing 3 options of the Character for Customer feedback
Typical float reference.
"Bob" the float


"Bob" the float

Here's "Bob", he's a character I developed for a client in the UK. He's a super hero type of float. Client input has steered this project. I must Read More
