Claire Chua's profile

Graphic Design & Other Media

Posters, Identity, Merchandise, Typography... you name it.
"Save the Fish" Logo
(As part of the World Without Fish campaign)
The campaign is designed to support PETA’s fight against threats that harms fishs and marine life, by showcasing to people the consquences of a world without fish.

Our client is PETA - the world’s largest animal rights with more than 3 million people supporting its cause. However, many people are either unaware of PETA or strongly disapprove of it due to the organisation’s extremist methods. Through this campaign I hove to be able to share with others the message of saving
fishes without the use of extreme and negative methods.

The logo above uses Futura Medium Italic as the typeface, because it is a modern, clean and sleek sans serif that stands out against the background. The Flying fish represents freedom for fishes from overfishing threats. The net in the background represents the obstacles endangering fishes. A blue colour scheme was used to symbolise the ocean and fishes.

A set of corporate items and merchandises were created for this campaign. These include a canvas bag,
posters and car decal, along with coporate items such as a logo, name cards and envelopes.
Name Card Design
Illustrator & Typography
Canvas Bag (Front)
Canvas Bag (Back)
Illustrator & Canvas Bag Print
For the canvas bags, the front side attracts viewers with the barren ocean, questioning where the fishes have gone. This peaks the viewer’s curiousity and encourages them to turn the bag the otherside to see the overfishing factual information.
Car Decal
Illustrator, Photoshop & Photography
The car decal design uses the same concept with the canvas bag, except for the layout and delivary of the message. It was designed to create the illusion of the passengers sitting inside the barren ocean and reefs.
The tagline “Barren Reefs” plays on the word “Barrier Reef” to symbolise how overfishing not only affects
fishes, but other marine life as well as the sea’s beauty.

 Jingle BellsIllustrator & Typography, 29.7cm x 21cm
Expressing the word "Jingle" in Onomatopoeia fashion, blending typography and metaphorical illustration.
Salvator Movie PosterMixed Media - Illustrator, Photoshop, Inks & Photography, 29.7 cm x 42cm
A movie poster using mixed mediums – illustrations, photography, photoshop and illustrator. This idea was to create an action movie poster using digital manipulation to put different medias into one poster. Illustrators were edited to blend with the photographed images and background. The angle was edited in a way to make it look like the two girls in the front were running from the ‘mafia hitman’ at the back. The main female protagonist was emphasised in the front holding a gun at the mafia men, whereas the female supporting character is placed in the back with the villains catching up to her. This creates an angle that allows the viewer to follow the character in the front to the characters in the back. A mix of shadows and yellow hue was used to create contrast and blend the characters with the background.

The word “Salvator” means ‘Deliverer’, ‘Saviour’ or ‘Liberator’ in Romanian-English, relating to the
story’s concept.

The Story: In the world of trade and treasures, people came to hire “Salvators” to ensure safe delivery for their goods. Salvator Sierra Shang was assigned to protect the package – a recovered ancient head relic – from an Italian Mafia syndicate who had previously stolen it, until it reaches its destination. But when the train it was in got hijacked by Mafia hitmen, a delivery girl gets caught up in the mess. With the reluctant Nora Costa in tow, Sierra must fight through the rooftops of Venice to the grottos of China. All the while, avoiding the Mafia and other bounty hunters in order to deliver the relic to its rightful owner.

Reference stock image: Spurgeon, C. (1995) [Photograph of Calle Emo rooftops]. Retrieved on May 5, 2011 from: g
Graphic Design & Other Media

Graphic Design & Other Media

Graphic Design works included for advertising, posters and identity products.
