Quiet Time

 I chose to create a photo essay using locations around the town of Clonmel, Tipperary. The locations I chose to capture, are places that during the day would be busy with the hectic lifestyles of the towns people and car parks that you would be lucky to find a free space. I took photos of various locations around the town at night time, to view how these places appear when free from people. I took the photos mid-week, and you can see how these place are deserted, but the weekends would tell a different story with people out wandering the streets looking for the next pub to locate.

 O'Connell street and the main gaurd
 Market PL and Superquinn 
O'Connell street
 Superquinn car park
 Clonmel bus and train station
 Gordan PL car park
 Tesco petrol station
 Market PL and Peter and Pauls
 Dunne Stores
 Tesco Petrol station
Quiet Time

Quiet Time

Clonmel at night
