Anglepoise Seed | terranium concept
2011 | Concept developed as part of a group - all material shown self produced
Anglepoise set the brief to design a product that could be marketed under the Anglepoise brand in the garden. Instead of designing a light for the garden the team felt the design direction of bringing the garden inside the home was more exciting as well as in keeping with the Anglepoise brand and ethos. Angelpoise Seed is a terranium that gives those with limited outdoor space the opportunity to grow plants. The relationship between the plants and their carer is strengthened by using feedback from the terrranium. Moisture sensors detect the whether the plants have enough water and communicate this to the carers using coloured LEDs. LED grow lamps that run around the roof of the interior ensure that the plants always have the optimum amount of light and add to the ambiance of the room they are in. 
Anglepoise Seed. Bringing outdoors indoors for those without their own green space.
Creating a much needed burst of light and interaction with organic living things Anglepoise Seed brings a little piece of the outdoors into the homes of those that don't have access to their own garden.
Anglepoise seed is constructed from injection moulded ABS, acrylic sheet and a moulded bamboo tray. Components are disassembled for shipping requiring the end user to slot together in a simple assembly operation. 
Anglepoise Seed
LEDs create an ambient glow which is also used to communicate the status of the environment inside. A white light indicates that the plants have enough moisture.
While a red light indicates that moisture levels are low and they need to be watered, 
Anglepoise Seed

Anglepoise Seed

Anglepoise Seed | Bringing the outdoors inside
