Ink painting on an earlier sketch
Here's a throwback to 2013, my Freshmen year at Herron. Below you'll see the sketches leading up to the final. Enjoy!
For a school project here at Herron, expect a lot of revisions over the next week.
Another sketchbook entry of Walker, this time I added ink
Including the current-day clutter of what the city's done to the place.
Sketchbook ink drawing
Getting a lot closer to the finished product... I'll post the inked version of this picture as a project, but because my professor expects bigger artwork out of me, I'll be upping the size from 15"x11" to around 24"x20". I have my work cut out for me.
I sort of view this as a separate piece from the "sketch." Since the time I created these pieces, I've grown to love ink and charcoal together,
 so the only difference in these pieces is a matter of color scheme and taste. 
Thanks for looking!
Walker Theatre


Walker Theatre

A couple of sketches and illustrations from 2013 interpreting the Madame Walker Theatre


Creative Fields