Peter Berki 的个人资料

Korda Filmpark exhibition

1400 square meters. This was the space we had to fill with content in Etyek as part of the Korda Film Studio Tourism Investment project. The permanent exhibition depicts the life of Sir Alexander Korda and gives a peek into the secret world of filmmaking.

Carrying out all the graphic designs for this project, coordinating and implementing the final realization preceded by a vast amount of research done meant the greatest challenge in my life so far. I have worked with many great experts and craftsmen in these 9 months on creating the first Hungarian movie-themed visitors centre.

Making of
Korda Filmpark exhibition

Korda Filmpark exhibition

1400 négyzetméter. Ekkora területet kellett megtölteni tartalommal az etyeki Korda Filmstúdió turisztikai beruházása keretében. A kiállítás feldo 阅读更多内容
