Recently, I was given a box full of outdated film, developer and fix to dispose of, it contained black and white, E6, colour negative on both 35mm and 120. I decided to put it all to good use and began shooting the area that first inspired me on the medium I first learn to shoot on. I have shot a lot of digital for the series also, as I'm hoping to create a sort of continuity between the many years I've inadvertantly worked on this series. I work as a medical photographer, and as such have to deliver photographs in a very rigid and standardized way; this was the perfect opportunity to produce work free from such constraints.

I've lived in Bourtreehill/Broomlands most of my life. It was one of the first places I shot when I began to take photography seriously. Growing up among the never ending streets, the place seemed to go on forever. There were gangs, fights, drugs and gallons of alcohol. Summers were spent by rivers while winters were spent under the underpasses. The days always seemed to give long shadows and the street lights at night cast them even longer.
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