Attack of Old Brewing Technology -
FETCO specializes in manufacturing high-end coffee and tea equipment, and we were rolling out with a new piece of equipment that helped you brew cleaner coffee.
I wanted to create something fun and light that would register to its viewers (The high-end, comercial coffee community).  We went with a 50's style movie poster idea poking fun that "the old way" of brewing was trying to attack your coffee and there was a new hero in town.. kind of like the attack of the Aliens..  This was a 3 page spread, so we wanted to create a story that started with the creation and then the sequil.  The project went over great at the big releasing of the 'Cascading Spray Dome' and it opened big conversation for our sales team. 
This was a very challenging task since there was very little excitement surrounding this tiny piece of plastic.
The pretty lady in the image is my mother :)

The Attack


The Attack

"Attack of old brewing technology" was a 3 page magazine spread. FETCO specializes in manufacturing high end coffee and tea equipment. The pret Read More
