Profil appartenant à Mark Gooby

The Power of Small

The Power of Small
Finding The Magic in a Child's Face
Have you ever paused and imagined our world without the powerful image of a child's face?  It's true there are way too many of those faces filled with tears and sadness, but there are also the glorious ones that grab your heart strings and never let go.  The small faces that tell a thousand stories without a single word, are for me, where the magic lies. 

I've been blessed over the years as a commercial shooter with the opportunity to have some pretty amazing little characters pass in front of my lens.  They've made me laugh to the point of tears, and made me cry to where I felt my breath slipping away... all the while just being themselves.  Pretty incredible.

Here are just a few of the precious ones who have shaped my professional life in ways I can't begin to describe.
The Power of Small
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The Power of Small

A cast of incredible faces that have shown me more about life than I could have figured out on my own.

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