During my first internship at Havas Worldwide Brussel, my creative partner Lies Vandenbergh and I came up with this cool idea for the Flemish Radio Choir. They were doing a series of performances, based on the relationship between Brahms and his lover Clara. Since they mostly communicated through letters, we started from there. 
The result? An interactive stamp that 'comes alive' on your envelope! 
How does it work? Just scan the stamp with the Layar app, and TADAAA: the Flemish Radio Choir performs a piece from the actual production just for you!
We received two BOA awards for this campaign, silver in the category 'Direct one-to-one communication and digital communication' and bronze in the category 'Innovative idea or concept'.
You can check it out here, and also on the Havas Worldwide Brussels website, the Layar website and the ACC Belgium website.
The singing stamp

The singing stamp

A stamp that comes alive on your envelope when you scan it with the Layar app
