David Capelas's profile

Calendar - My weekly fruit nutrition

Este calendário semanal é destinado a crianças. Onde elas têm de colocar as frutas que comem durante a semana, e assim realçar o quanto importante é comerem fruta. Desta forma, elas teriam um brinquedo lúdico pois iriam divertir-se a preencher os espaços com a fruta que comem diariamente e também aprender os dias da semana.
A árvore é objecto principal, onde elas deveram colocar as frutas no circulo corresponde ao dia da semana.

This weekly calendar is intended for children. Where they have to put the fruits they eat during the week, and so highlight how important it is to eat fruit. In this way, they would have a playful toy because it would fun to fill in the spaces with the fruit they eat daily and also learn the days of the week.
The tree is the main object, where they were to put the fruit in the circle corresponds to the day of the week.
Calendar - My weekly fruit nutrition


Calendar - My weekly fruit nutrition

Calendar - My weekly fruit nutrition
