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創世神話 Infographics of Creation Myths

本作品以敘事設計方法論來整理並分析創世神話,找出神話的中可以吸引觀者的元素及提升故事性,呈現媒介為資訊設計(Information design)的分支資訊圖像(Information graphics),透過圖文並茂且容易理解的方式,探討如何有效能的把創世神話的內容和內涵傳達給社會大眾。
About works
Myths have always been in our lives, it enriches our daily life and imagination. In addition, we can see myth from everywhere, such as books, paintings, music, literature, even to the movies. Therefore, Myth are closely bound to our everyday life. Creation Myths is the most important of all,because it describes the origins of live and our ancestors’ imagination of how the world is created. This can be seen on the tales of human origins, stories about the moon and stars.
Creation Myth itself explores the origin of all things, it’s storyline is less appealing compares to other category of Myths. Creation Myths’ records are fragmented and incomplete, thus, it is hard to understand and noticed by the public systematically. In this thesis, narrative design methodology can be organized and be analyzed, the elements of the myths can be identified to attract the viewer and to enhance the appeal of stories.
The final outcome is presented through Information Design, with posters of myths in Infographics. With illustrations and explanation texts in easily understandable way, to explore the efficiently way to present the Creation Myths’ contents and it’s meanings to the public.
1. 亞洲 - 中國  盤古開天
    Asia - China - Pangu
2. 亞洲 - 印度  梵天創世
    Asia - India - Brahma
3. 亞洲 - 日本  天地初開
    Asia - Japan - Kuniumi
4. 毆洲 - 北歐  冰與火之歌
    Europe - Northern Europe - Ymir
5. 毆洲 - 希臘  眾神圍繞的世界
    Europe - Greece - Gaia
6. 美洲 - 墨西哥  阿茲特克的世界
    America - Mexico - Aztec
此作品參考Codex Borgia繪製
7. 非洲 - 埃及  埃及是這樣開始的
    Africa - Egypt - Ra
8. 大洋洲 - 埃及  埃及是這樣開始的
    Oceania - New Zealand - Maori
創世神話 Infographics of Creation Myths

創世神話 Infographics of Creation Myths

Myths have always been in our lives, it enriches our daily life and imagination. In addition, we can see myth from everywhere, such as books, pai Read More
