Perfil de Haydee Yanez

Escape from Alcapaws | Montage

Escape from Alcapaws
Film Noir meets pet adventures concept. Exercise in photographic montage. Playing with some film noir light and elements.
film noir • film ˈnwär • noun
A style or genre of cinematographic film marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace. The term was originally applied to American thriller or detective films made in the period 1944–54 and to the work of directors such as Orson Welles, Fritz Lang, and Billy Wilder.
Thumbnails + Notes
Escape from Alcapaws | Photographic Montage
Escape from Alcapaws | Montage

Escape from Alcapaws | Montage

Film Noir meets pet adventures concept. Exercise in photographic montage. Playing with some film noir light and elements.
