Patrick Semple 的個人檔案

"Go Jetters" BBC World Wide

At present I cannot show any work I have done for this show because it has not fully aired yet. But when I can I will up date this section with example of my boards.

Go Jetters is a 52 episode 11 min show that Giant Animation worked on with Boulder Media for BBC Worldwide. I was one of four storyboard artists to work on the show. We worked in teams of two. I worked on 26 of the 52 episodes plus some additional storyboard work on promotion videos for the show's facebook page and website.
All boards were done digitally using Photoshop.
"Go Jetters" BBC World Wide

"Go Jetters" BBC World Wide

Go Jetters is a 52x11min fully animated TV series. It is a CBeebies and BBC Worldwide co-production, with season 1 directed by Ben Harper & Alex 閱讀更多

