personal website -
website design and development for 16-06, a South African youth agency - see demo here
website design and development for 16-06, a South African youth agency - see demo here
website design and development for 16-06, a South African youth agency - see demo here
concept work for a client's pitch to Mercedes-Benz
concept work for a client's pitch to Mercedes-Benz
css3 experiment - see demo here
concept work for a client's pitch to Mercedes-Benz
concept work for a client's pitch to Mercedes-Benz
concept work for a client's pitch to Mercedes-Benz
Greensock js animation - see demo here
fun Flash throwback - see game here
awfully fun attempt to make the worst website ever - all the useless includes and ALL the js alerts - see demo here
website design for Montagu Dried Fruit
website design for Watercare Mining



Some websites I've put together (design and/or development) and enjoyed. Please contact me for more information.
