Oleg Frolovs profil

Daily UI Challenge [31-40]

DailyUI challenge
Day 31: File upload
downloading, file uploading, cloud app, material design, clean and simple design, dailyui, progress bar, settings screen, user interface, web design, ux ui, file storage service, overlay, modal screen
Day 32: Crowdfunding campaign
fashion app, e-commerce, online shopping, user interface design, gallery, cards, page component, product card, ux ui, dailyui challenge, big shadows, black and white design, minimalist design, mobile design, ios interface
Day 33: Customize Product
web design, web e-commerce, online shop, product card, web interface, call to action, scroll component, rating, user interface design, rate system, ui ux, web application, simple design, cta button, product page
Day 34: Car interface
car ui, car application, car app design, dark ui, map screen, map app, car os, road map, car ux, user interface design, ux ui, taxi application, minimal interface, car user experience
Day 35: Blog post
blog application, ios design, ios interface, mobile ui, mobile app design, news app, typography, social net interface, user interface design, ux ui, mobile user experience, dailyui, reading app, article page, detail view
Day 36: Special offer
modal view, card window, popup, call to action button, e-commerce interface, web design, web interface, user experience design, overlay view, ui ux, online shopping, gift card, special offer
Day 37: Weather
weather application design, ios app, ios design, weather ios app, concept app, dailyui challenge, mobile interface, mobile user experience, ios application design, illustration, mobile ui, ux ui
Day 38: Calendar
calendar app, calendar widget, web application, web design, minimalist design, clean and simple design, checkboxes, todo application, user interface design, calendar interface, ux ui, todo app design
Day 39: Testimonials
testimonials screen, web interface design, web user experience design, social net application, product page, ui design, ux ui
Day 40: Recipe
recipe app, mobile interface, material design, android design, illustration, flat arts, page component, mobile user experience, android app design, mobile ui, ux ui, simple interface, daily ui challenge
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Daily UI Challenge [31-40]

Daily UI Challenge [31-40]

DailyUI challenge.
