What. Is. That. THING?!
Do not be fooled by his realistic looks! This creature is a fake- and I will unravel the mystery that is how this creature came to be.
It all started with finding a base picture of this Racoon dog (called Tanuki in Japan).
HAnd now, I heed to find a good picture of something that would never appear on a Tanuki- How about Ram horns?
Have to find a pair of well photographed horns. The only criteria being that they need to be in a believable position.
These two images are perfect, and will work very nicely together. All thats left to do is edit using Photoshop.
In Photoshop I will cut and paste the horns onto the Tanuki base and alter saturation, colour and hue. After I have found the perfect placement for the horns, I will use the cloning tool to take parts of the fur and cover the butts of the horns so it appears that they are growing out of his head!
And just like that, I have created another impossible custom creature!
Check out The Impossible Creature for a piece related to this one, the processes are quite similar.
Custom Creature

Custom Creature

This project is an extension to the impossible creature project. In this piece, Photoshop is used to bring to images together to create one imagi Další informace



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