Millions of people are using social media are often exposed to unrealistic body image ideals, especially on networks like Instagram and Twitter. For some the search for the perfect body can lead to a dangerous psychological obsession, as they want to look like the people they see online.
The challenge was to raise awareness amongst those who are in danger of developing a body image obsession influenced by the images they see online. 
The insight for the campaign was that people, in order to achieve the perfect body, often use the web for advice
It has to be a quick solution (weather it is considered as healthy or the source to be trustworthy).
The startegy was to create a text based campaign, which raises awareness but doesn't shock the audience with pictures of extremely skinny/muscular people.
The posters were designed as realistic as possible and are aimed to look like an actual search engine, but obviously without blaming one particular one.
The use of familiar elements, like the colours of the Google logo in the Search logo and also the structure and colours of the search results, have been used.
To raise awarness on social media, fake articles have been created which should make the target audience rethink what they choose to read online. The articles, posting as 'how to' guides for achieving a new and better body, explains the different steps that could be experienced by those who develop an unhealthy obsession with their bodies.
The articles are obviously fake as you can tell by the sarcastic tone of voice, but nevertheless in the end of the article the the reader is informed to not take this serious, but to rethink why he/she clicked on the article in the first place.  
The Search

The Search

One of three major projects at Staffordshire University. The students were asked to raise awareness about an issue their choice.


Kreative områder