A calendar is one of the most familiar pieces of print  on our walls / desks. I have always felt disharmony with it. There is an image of flowers or a illustrations on the top and numerals of dates at the bottom in general. People hang it like a picture to decorate a room. However, decoration is not the proper use of calendars but information of dates and seasons. My aim was to design the new calendar to simplify the disharmony between pictures and numerals. I took typographic way by designing 12 new fonts which reflect images of Japanese seasonal words.
January / Thorn
Only thorns left on stems
February / Snow
Snow is getting melted
March / Seed
Sowing the fields with seeds
April / Flower
Flowers bloom
May / Wind
Feeling the balmy breeze
June / Rain
Rainy season has come
July / Shadow
Shadow is getting longer and longer
August / Cloud
Cumulonimbuses appear
September / Moon
Viewing the harvest moon
October / Ivy
Leaves of ivy turn red or yellow
November / Twig
Leaves are all off from trees
December / Ice
Ice forms on puddles
Jour Sans
A new sans serif for the calendar

Jour sans = everyday sans
New sans serif for displaying days of a week and names of months. It is intened to have a humanistic friendly impression for the calendar; an item people see every day. 
The terminals are undisposed and the tales are cut to signify its hand drawn like mood. The x-height is set quite high and bowls are rounded to make the font friendly. 
A Year of Letters

A Year of Letters

Title: A Year of Letters / Category: Calendar / Client: Self initiated / Date: March 2011
