YOU: A Growing Girls Project

Growing Girls is a Baltimore based outreach project aimed at helping young girls understand their bodies and the changes that come with puberty. We started by developing a concept which we thought best to accomplish that task. The primary focus of this was to distribute handheld mirrors which could be used by the individual to help gain a first hand understanding of their bodies. 
This project was a collaboration between myself, Ninad Kale, Rachel Minier and Brooke Thyng as an assignment for the Maryland Institute College of Art MFA program.
With the packaging we decided the pacing of the box opening was an important aspect in increasing the value of the experience, encouraging a more meaningful interaction with the educational materials. 
The informational pamphlet is designed to sit with the mirror inside the box. The pamphlet offers information and images to help the girls learn with the goal of teaching the subject while helping to free them from worry of potential social stigmas. 
YOU: A Growing Girls Project

YOU: A Growing Girls Project

Growing Girls is a Baltimore based outreach project aimed at helping young girls understand their bodies and the changes that come with puberty. 閱讀更多
