Noir Illustrations
School Project
As part of our Illustration minor, we had to produce 2 illustrations for 3 different themes: Noir, Steampunk and Sci-Fi. Each illustration is based on a short story provided to us by our lecturer and how we interpret them is completely up to us.
For this theme, I decided to use markers and ink, sticking to only using black, red and white to depict each story.
(Materials used: Copic Liners, Akashi-ya Brush Pen)
“The talented writer pulled up the collar of his coat and hid his shivers as he recounted details of the gruesome night where a family of six was murdered.”
“Miss Angel exhaled a cloud of rose-scented smoke into Officer Keith’s face. In the blur of the smoke, her fur scarf that hung on her shoulder seemed to be coming to life; A long snow fox wrapped around Miss Angel, grinning back at Officer Keith’s ignorance.”
Noir Illustrations

Noir Illustrations

Noir-themed illustrations based on short narratives



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