Georgina Cormode's profile

BA (Hons): Eco Collective (2016)

The Eco collective puts the theory of ecological urbanism into practice firstly through the term one intervention which allows a system of hydroponic pods to grow masses of ecology. 
Ecology from the interventions is harvested and brought back to the proposal via a raised infrastructure. This ecology is put under production and either cooked and packed, or packaged raw for distribution across Birmingham and neighboring areas. 
The scheme feeds the idea of ecology, natural produce and self sufficiency into the urban framework of society. This program is also partnered with a charity, Fareshare, who collect food from supermarkets which is past its sell by date and distribute this free produce to food bank charities. The scheme partners up with Fareshare to create a pick up point for food bank charities to collect free produce for people of the surrounding areas. 
The interior of the Eco collective is diagrammed as a ‘hive’, allowing different functions to interact – producing spaces where colleagues can work and congregate informally. 
BA (Hons): Eco Collective (2016)


BA (Hons): Eco Collective (2016)

The Eco collective puts the theory of ecological urbanism into practice firstly through the term one intervention which allows a system of hydrop Read More
