Produce a series of posters for upcoming AGDA seminars. The seminars are aimed at design professionals and seek to inform and assist

I chose to approach the seminar topics using typographical puns, very insider design jokes for a design conference.
- Seminar 1: Ethics, Free pitching, Contracts.
Solution: Contract between the client and the designer (C&D)
- Seminar 2: Ergonomics, Vision & screens, Working long hours.
Solution: Using lower case I’s and R’s to show poor posture.
- Seminar 3: Copyright & Trademarks, Inspiration vs. copying, Ownership.
Solution: Comic Sans attempting to pass itself off as Encorpada.
AGDA Posters

AGDA Posters

Illustrate three Penguin book covers each using their unique style. llustrations for each cover must incorporate the themes of the story and set Read More
