Even as a young person I was always enamored by magazines. I found them very interesting, the mix of photos, stories and graphic design felt like it was something that I would like to do later in my career. Then I saw GRID Magazine. I was so inspired with their mag that I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try to create an online-zine that I shot, written and designed. It was never intended to get published, I just wanted to see if I could do it.

I was able to create 6 issues, with topics ranging from my own personal travel stories to the interesting people that I have met in the motorcycle industry. The experience overall was great and I learned a lot from the project.

Art Direction
Graphic Design
Create non-fiction writing

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Detour will feature stories from the No Barriers Just Horizons blog presented in a e-magazine format. It will be free for download on the second Meer lezen
