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Indonesian Folklore : Roro Jonggrang

Once upon a time in the Javanese land, there is a kingdom called the Boko Kingdom, ruled by the wise Prabu Boko. He had a beautiful daughter called, Roro Jonggrang.
As Prabu Boko wants to expand his kingdom, he started a war and made a devastation and famine around his kingdom. Therefor, the nextdoor kingdom, ruled by Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son, Bandung Bondowoso to stop the Prabu Boko. And he stop it by killing Prabu Boko. 
Soon after Prabu Boko's death, the Boko Kingdom was taken over by Bandung Bondowoso. Charmed by the princess's beauty, Bandung Bondowoso wants to make her his wife. But the princess didn't want to marry the man who killed her father. So she made an impossible agreement. She agreed to become his wife if Bandung Bondowoso could make 1000 candi for her. And Bandung Bondowoso agreed. 
With his powers, Bandung Bondowoso asked for help to the mighty ghosts, and he soon began to complete the 1000 candi task. The princess knew and panicked. 
She knew that the ghosts are afraid of sunlight. So she made a fire, to fool the ghosts about the time. 
Seeing the light from the fire, the ghosts got scared and flew away, leaving Bandung Bondowoso only 999 Candi. 
Bandung Bondowoso lied to the princess, thinking she wouldn't know it was only 999 Candi. But she already knew and she's unwilling to be his wife. 
Angry, Bandung Bondowoso cursed the princess to be the 1000th Candi. Which now we can find it at the Candi Prambanan as the Statue of Durga Mahisasuramardini. 
Hope you enjoy it ! :)
Indonesian Folklore : Roro Jonggrang


Indonesian Folklore : Roro Jonggrang

A project made for an school assignment completion.
