Robert Giza's profile

Daily UI Challenge (#dailyui) 1-100

01 - Sign up
02 - Credit card checkout
03 - Landing page
04 - Calculator
05 - App icon
06 - User profile
07 - Settings
08 - 404
09 - Music player
10 - Social share
11 - Flash message
12 - E-commerce shop (single item)
13 - Direct messaging
14 - Countdown timer
15 - On-off switch
16 - Pop-up overlay
17 - Email receipt
18 - Analytics chart
19 - Leaderboard
20 - Location tracker
21 - Home monitoring dashboard
22 - Search
23 - Onboarding
24 - Boarding pass
25 - TV app
26 - Subscribe
27 - Dropdown
28 - Contact us
29 - Map
30 - Pricing
31 - File upload
32 - Crowdfunding campaign
33 - Customize product
34 - Car interface
35 - Blog post
36 - Special offer
37 - Weather
38 - Calendar
39 - Testimonials
40 - Recipe (Weekly Rad Award)
41 - Workout tracker
42 - To do list
43 - Food drink menu
44 - Favorites
45 - Info card
46 - Invoice
47 - Activity feed
48 - Coming soon
49 - Notifications (Weekly Rad Award)
50 - Job listing
51 - Press page
52 - Daily ui logo
53 - Header navigation
54 - Confirm reservation
55 - Icon set
56 - Breadcrumps
57 - Video player
58 - Shping cart
59 - Background pattern
60 - Color picker
61 - Redeem coupon
62 - Workout of the day
63 - Best of 2015
64 - Select user type
65 - Notes widget
66 - Statics
67 - Hotel booking
68 - Flight search
69 - Trending
70 - Event listing
71 - Schedule
72 - Image slider
73- Virtual reality
74 - Download app
75 - Pre-order
76 - Loading
77 - Thank you
78 - Pending invitation
79 - Itinerary
80 - Date picker
81 - Status update
82 - Form
83 - Button
84 - Badge
85 - Pagination
86 - Progress Bar
87 - Tooltip
88 - Avatar
89 - Terms of service
90 - Create New
91 - Curated for you
92 - F.A.Q.
93 - Splash Screen
94 - News
95 - Product Tour
96 - Currently In-Stock
97 - Giveaway
98- Advertisment
99 - Categories
100 - Redesign Daily Ui Landing Page
Daily UI Challenge (#dailyui) 1-100

Project Made For

Daily UI Challenge (#dailyui) 1-100

Dailyui challenge - 100 projects in 100 days
