haoshi Goldfish Clock collects nine leisurely swimming goldfish. In the Eastern culture, number “nine” means flourishing fortune; the goldfish represents lucky and rich. The nine goldfish is a symbol of permanent good fortune and luck.

Goldfishes swim freely with their beautiful long tails, in gestures of delicacy and elegance. They swim with no rush; they swim away from all earthly noise. Their elegant rhythm freezes the moment into forever.  On haoshi Goldfish Clock floats both passing time and static goldfish.  As time goes by, shadows dance and change underneath the sun. Between move and still, reality and dream, the goldfish clock would record the happiness with you in ever single second.

Goldfish X CLOCK

Goldfish X CLOCK

haoshi金魚時鐘由九隻自在悠游的金魚組合而成。數字九具有財富興旺的涵義;金魚在東方則代表吉祥富貴。九隻金魚象徵著長長久久的財運與好運。 haoshi Goldfish Clock collects nine leisurely swimming goldfish. In the Eas 阅读更多内容
