Optal is a Melbourne-based company specialising in business-to-business payment processing. To launch their new online positioning and brand look and feel to existing and potential customers, we developed and built a new website to grow awareness of the Optal brand and drive enquiries from potential partners and customers.
The Brief
Design and build a new website that visually and functionally represents the new Optal branding and positioning. 
The Process
Hard Edge received an introduction to Optal, its brand values, positioning and visual identity, along with a content brief for the website. The Hard Edge team brainstormed how a brand like Optal should look and function as a website. 
Once a style and approach had been decided, we designed each of the pages and wrote copy that reflected the brand tone of voice. Several photos were required for the website including staff portraits, culture photos showing staff interacting at work, and photos of the working environment inside and outside the office. Once all creative content was developed and the site built, Hard Edge conducted a rigorous testing process to ensure the site looked and functioned as intended on all operating systems and devices in time for site launch.

Creative Challenges
Hard Edge was required to take visual brand guidelines that had only been developed for print and adapt them for a dynamic digital environment. We used a contemporary web template that needed to function on old operating systems such as Internet Explorer 7 as well as the latest operating systems and devices.
The Result
The Optal website was launched on time and on budget to widespread client satisfaction.
Hard Edge is a Brand Communications Agency based in South Melbourne, specialising in marketing strategy, creative design and brand communications. To learn more call us on +61 3-9245-9211 or email today.
Optal Website

Optal Website

Optal is a Melbourne-based company specialising in business-to-business payment processing. To launch their new online positioning and brand look Läs mer
