Profilo di Sarah Scott

YCN 2012 - Heinz Salad Cream

Heinz Salad Cream - Let's Get Saucy
YCN Heinz Salad Cream Advertising Brief 2012

Heinz salad Cream Advertising brief set by YCN. The aim of this project was to try and attract more 18-29 year olds to the Heinz Salad Cream Brand through fun and upbeat messaging that focuses on food value.

I approached this task by looking towards the target market and their interests and I deduced that humor relating to sex would an appropriate way to engage them.

My main idea hung on the concept of using puns that can seem both innocent but inappropriate when applied to Salad Cream. The main strapline was 'Let's Get Saucy' and used puns such as 'lick me' and 'smack my bottom' with supporting visuals based upon food/recipes that go with Heinz Salad Cream.

I created a number of motion adverts featuring sexual situations involving salad cream and vegetables. I also demonstrated how this could be turned into a smart phone application that would allow users to interact with the brand.

YCN 2012 - Heinz Salad Cream

YCN 2012 - Heinz Salad Cream

Heinz Salad Cream Advertising brief set by YCN 2012.
