Luce Vivo
”Luce Vivo” translates to ”Light Alive” which is what this backpack is all about. Luce Vivo is the perfect 24 hour backpack because it combines everything needed for urban living in one simple package.

The main innovation of the Luce Vivo is the LED strips placed on the inside of the pockets which turn on/off when the backpack is opened/closed. The LEDs provide light on the inside of the pack, elliminating the need to feel through your stuff like a mystery box. The batteries for the LEDs are powered by the solar panel placed on the outisde of the hardshell pocket. This battery can be removed, replaced, and externally charged if solar energy is not sufficient.

The hardshell pocket is located on the lower front of the pack, protecting any valubles inside. This pocket also houses a USB input to charge devices. Another USB cord is run through the pack into the hardshell strap pocket for easy access to mobile devices.

The insulated water bladder pocket is waterproof and protects all your other valubles in case of a leak. The hose feeds through the strap for insulation and convenience.

Luce Vivo