Du corps soigné au corps machine, MASTER THESIS

I decided to write an essay about the augmented body. I was interested in the human body. The way we look at our body, the way we percieve other person's body.

How do we look at an augmented body ? How do we look at an handicap person ? 
How do using some medical/technological extensions to augmente our body can help it in every day's life or rather weaken it ?
How does society look at this augmented bodies ?

I used a color gradient to materialize the idea of moving from a human body to a machine one. It also evoques the unstoppable evolution of sciences' discoveries. 
To represent the contrast between strengh and fragility, between the human body and the machines, I inserted little notes using my handwriting through the rigid composition of the layouts.  

Master These

Master These

I decided to write an essay about the augmented body. I was interested in the human body. The way we look at our body, the way percieve other per Развернуть
