Some illustrations I did last weeks, trying with different styles. Do you have a favourite? Tell me!
Euro 2016 begins today in France! Paul Pogba is one of the best players of the competition, and the main star of the team that plays at home. A lot of people talk about the future of this player after the summer, I bet that he will go to Real Madrid with his mates Benzema, Varane and Zidane.
My tribute to this warrior.
The Leftovers is an amazing tv-show, I can’t wait to the next season! This is a Kevin Garvey’s portrait, one of the most disorientated characters I ever saw.
It's curious: Curve lines / Sweet 😇 - Straight lines / Evil 😈
Robocat, the pattern.
I am starting in the pixelart world... and my first attempts consists in imagine video games that never came out... For example, this shot will be about a game where a kung-fu master devil is trying to rescue his little son, kidnaped by the Light Guardians.
More pixelart... WIP in a videogame mixing shooter style with Akira Toriyama's characters.
Drawing with the Wacom tablet, practicing other styles, checking new brushes... #madridmemata
Illustrations | Spring 2016

Illustrations | Spring 2016

Some stuff from the last times...
