PURPOSE: (MEMENTO MORI)- to be exposed to the remembrance of death
CLIENT: Individual who is in stage of grief, in despression, or looking for change of state/emotions
PROGRAM: program(less)
LOCATION: Non-Existant / site(less)
SIZE: Building Approximately 20 000 sq ft. Site is approximately 1 Acre
MATERIALS: Rhinoceros 5.0, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

{ex-tri-cation}: to remove or free yourself from complication, hindrance or difficulty.
{memento-mori-torium} : an establishment that introduces the remembrance of death, act of dying
This piece of architecture is commemorating the remembrance of death.. It is about developing our own resolutions and facing death - rebirth all at  once. This design is siteless and programless. It is not meant to be anything specific or be anywhere specific.
This project uses death as a remembrance of freeing yourself through a platform of experiences. The idea of viewing and losing tthe path of reality while being temporarily trapped in a depressive state is what this design is about. It deals with the balance of proportions versus chaos. The main stages are anticipation, discovery, and acceptance of death, memories, and one's past.
There is a strong contrast between the faceted black and silver rock-like structure and its polished, ckean concrete site. The idea of going through instability within darkness, finding yourself through deep reflection through an endless ramp site, and then freeing yourself when what seems like walking on water by the end of the journey. The goal is to feel complete and free of stress at the end of this emotional intensity.
PHYSICAL MODEL - 1:16 SCALE - Wood, Painted Foam, Acrylic, Illustration Board - PHOTOGRAPHY BY LUCY HEWITT 
PHYSICAL MODEL - 1:16 SCALE - Wood, Painted Foam, Acrylic, Illustration Board - PHOTOGRAPHY BY LUCY HEWITT
PHYSICAL MODEL - 1:16 SCALE - Wood, Painted Foam, Acrylic, Illustration Board - PHOTOGRAPHY BY LUCY HEWITT