D-Zine Furniture

A bespoke Wordpress design and build that acts as an ‘online brochure’ for new, existing, or previous clients who are not currently in contact with account managers. We developed a bespoke unique order system with no payment gateway that allows D-Zine to retain their existing processes and develop personal relationships with new customers.

We also built in a range of functionality including live-chat and bespoke product filter management systems within Wordpress for ease of product data management.
The key goal of this project was to reduce bounce rates and increase browsing times, whilst re-positioning D-Zine as a more modern supplier in order to develop into new markets. Since launch bounce rates have dropped by almost half, and the average site visit time has doubled. 
D-Zine Furniture


D-Zine Furniture

D-Zine Furniture — A bespoke Wordpress design and build that acts as an ‘online brochure’ for new, existing, or previous clients who are not curr Další informace
