The central issue of architecture is to create identity. 
My goal is an anonymous and timeless mainframe, giving room to the layers of time and meaning to grow on it.
My project is about a relationship between the real and the possible.
I work with the concept of a finite void, which possesses infinite possibilities. Architecture, understood as volumes and obstacles, protects these capacities.
I wanted to create a universal building, which would be adapted in the future. 
I reached to the language of familiar forms and symbols, which different cultures could relate to and identify with, therefore inventing new use of the structure.
My building has a specific form, as I believe abstraction does not communicate with the public.
My building is to be durable and stand the test of time. Using concrete and brick arose as an obvious choice from studying both the antiquity and the context of Nyhamnen, where the project is located.
This project is not about the building. The form could have ended up differently.
What it is about is the methodology - how should architects treat the 
programme, and how far should they engage with their designs.
The two modules represents a basic division: spaces which are served and serving, big and small, dark and light, rooms and corridors. The interplay of two modules provides a variety of spatial qualities.
I do not intent to solve the building completely. I saturate it with detail just enough to give clues for the possible use.
In this case the details are not so much about the elaborate technical solutions. Instead, they tell the story of very basic architectural issues, such as rainwater management or indoor/outdoor division.
Embedded time-scapes

Embedded time-scapes

The central issue of architecture is to create identity. Thus my goal was an anonymous and timeless mainframe, giving room to the layers of time Read More
