Automated information processing

Have you ever found yourself googling "where do lost socks go when they go missing" at 2 a.m. in the morning? (Not me, nope, never happened. Wink wink.) And what about "how much data is processed by my brain every minute of my life". The short answer is "a lot".
The experimental side of me wasn't really satisfied with the answer. What is "a lot"? Can I experience this "a lot" in some way? So I absolutely had to find a way how to make "a lot" more tangible.

I picked an object that is used in everyday life. A pen. Found seven most popular definitions. Ran a text analysis to find the most popular words used to define what actually is a pen. Created a simple program that generated all possible sentences based on English syntax. And voila.

What you see here is a visualized outcome of "a lot". It only shows just a fraction of all the information that goes through our minds. It combines a lot of data simultaneously. Creates statements that make little to no sense. Nonetheless, continues further and further till the actual "epiphany" moment and all of that happens in seconds. Our brain is a truly amazing supercomputer.



Automated information processing

