MARK Studio 的個人檔案

Gothvetica (Free Font)

Gothvetica started as a question: How similar are Gotham and Helvetica as typefaces, what would it look like if Gotham and Helvetica were merged? 

We looked at how similar the letter forms were and saw that it would be possible to create a typeface that is exactly inbetween the two.
For now we only have the Book weight in all caps (letters only). In the meantime we are working on the Bold weight with a Light weight to follow.
The font is free to use for non commercial work as it was just a fun project that we wanted to put out there.

The studio would love to see how you use Gothvetica so please tag us on instagram using #themarkstudio #gothvetica.

Have fun with it and enjoy! 

When using please tag us on instagram using #themarkstudio #gothvetica.

Gothvetica (Free Font)