James Tan's profile

Blaze 2016 poster

In March 2016, I was comissioned by the Boy's Brigade Headquarters to produce a poster for it's annual Blaze Competition(once known as Adventure Quest). Blaze is an annual adventure race that focuses on 4 aspects, running, cycling, kayaking and archery. The total course of the entire race amounts to a 42km and to even complete it would be quite a feat. As such, I wanted to portray the gruelling nature of the whole race. With 2 main themes in mind, "dark" and "intense", I opted for a grity, harsh poster that reflected the struggles of the actual race itself. 
Below is the bib that was designed for the competition as well. 
These are the process of how I sketched the characters to the final layouts. 
Blaze 2016 poster

Blaze 2016 poster

Poster design for an adventure race
