Ahjoboy .. さんのプロファイル

Week 5 - Light Painting & Image Transfer

Lighting painting, multiple exposure and image transfer using inkjet printer. 
For this lesson, i was late so i missed out in the image transfer part, but based on what i seen the class is doing before the break. I realised it is just printing on transparency because transparency is able to retain the ink wet. While it is wet the image transfer will happen by placing a A4 paper, texture paper any paper over then apply some pressure to ensure the ink came in contact with the paper so that the image on the transparency will be transferred on the paper. For this method, it is worth the explore if I need to have quick prints something more experimental not so perfect kind of print result. 

Lighting painting i did before, just kinda need to experiment more on the camera settings and trying to get a well lit light painting or other effects depending on what i want. Multiple exposure is a technique that i always wondered how people does it. I thought is it some camera setting and only high end camera will have but today lesson break that mystery, I no need any high end camera to get the multiple exposure all i need is a black paper, dark room, correct settings, know when to cover and move to the next spot to create the double exposure or more. Something i would experiment when i am out taking long exposures of light trials etc.  
Trying out the image transfer technique. Below are some of the attempts. 
Printed out this foral pattern and tried doing some image transfer. 
For this I printed twice, one red and one black and aligned it to create a mirror image. 
Playing with overlapping layers and opacity, I overlapped the layers on photoshop and chnage the opacity.
Tried transferring lettering as well although it's image transfer. Using this technique one can quickly transfer something onto the paper to get like an imperfection print. With a better printer i believe the result will be much better than what i have achieved. 
Light Painting
Light painting is quite straightforward and easy to do. All we have to do is to get a dark room with no room coming into the room, then set the camera settings right depending on what's the result one would like to achieve. Keep experiemnting with different settings as settings varies results will be different as well. Tools to use can be anything from Iphone, Torchlight, Lazer etc. 
Multiple Exposure
Multiple Exposure works roughly the same as the cloning technique that we learned. But using a slow shutter speed and light painting to make the person visible within the dark room. The mood that we can create using this technique could be like horror, scary kind of look and feel. It's quite a challenge to get a nice multiple exposure because it requires the light painter and the camera man to work hand in hand. Using a black paper to cover the lens so to ensure that no light is entering the camera, then when the black paper is moved, the light painter will paint the person and the process repeats.
Assignemnt 5 
Is no idea for this assignment. Getting creative block and unable to think an idea which leads to creating something based on the time pressure, stress that i get to get this assignment done. 
Image transfer technique is somehow similar to silkscreen as well. Yes you can print the design at the first time but without a good printer the image will not be printed well on the transparency sheet. So i tried printing each element one by one and transfer them on the paper. 
The NO IDEA with a brain and question marks to show that getting creative block is a common thing in designers hence when one really have no idea after thinking for so long stress will start to set in as deadline is getting closer and closer which is shown on the paper by the crushing marks. 
First step: Printing the Text. 
Step Two: Printing the graphics
This is the first attempted which i forgotten to invent. 
Final Result
Week 5 - Light Painting & Image Transfer
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Week 5 - Light Painting & Image Transfer

Light Painting & Image Transfer

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