Профиль Dahlia A. Razak

Week 5 & 6: Sewing, Machine Sewing & Handstitching

Handsewing Machine Sewing & Handstitching
For this lesson, we were tasked to learn the basics of sewing and the fundamentals of hand stitching and machine sewing. We were given few cloths and huei hoon taught us how to sew and tie properly when we start and when we stop. There are so many kinds of sewing techniques such as:
1 - Running stitch
2 - Backstitch
3 - Split Stitch
4 - Stem Stitch
5 - French Knots
6 - Chain Stitch
7 - Feather Stitch
8 - Satin Stitch
9 - Lazy Daisy
10 - Seed Stitch
We were then tasked to chose an article. Sketch our illustration thought about the article itself. We then trace your illustration on the fabric. Secure your fabric in the embroidery hoop to secure your cloth so as to not have a messy and uncontrolable sewing process.
Below are some of the process I hade gone through during the sewing stage. I experimented with alot of cloths, even sew my brother pants to try my skills out.
1 - steps of how to place the cloth to the embroidery hoop
2 - some sewing techniques with thin thread
3 - experimentation on my brothers pants
4 - sewing techniques with thicker thread
5 - chosen article
6 - development of illsutration for depicting the article feels
Overall, I felt that this opportunity is very good and very calming. Sewing is very therapeutic and I had learn so many ideas and styles to stich. My prefered on is the seed stitch as that style makes the piece pop out and very artistic. I used that techniques on my last piece of illustration. 
Week 5 & 6: Sewing, Machine Sewing & Handstitching

Week 5 & 6: Sewing, Machine Sewing & Handstitching

sewing & stitching
