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Integral + Spiral Dynamics

This is a Jarrad Connor / Third-Power creation - If you want to learn about me and the things that I am passionate about please visit - www.third-power.com - LinkedIn - Facebook -
The Integral map is a comprehensive approach to human growth and development, developed by philosopher Ken Wilber, that lays out all that the various world cultures have to tell us about human potential- spiritual growth, psychological growth, social and cultural growth.

The Integral map uses all the known systems and models of human growth and distills their major components into five simple factors that are essential elements or keys to unlocking and facilitating human evolution.So, why learn this map? By learning the Integral map, we are not merely learning a set of theoretical concepts, but rather aspects available in our very own awareness right now. And by exercising these elements, we can accelerate our growth and development to higher, wider, and deeper ways of being and serving in the world.

The Integral map can be applied to everything in our lives, from our professional careers, to our relationships, to our health and well being, as well as to any and all disciplines, such as, business, technology, psychology, education, politics, art, spirituality, sexuality, and the environment.

The Integral approach is the unification of contrasts. It helps us to see with our minds and hearts, deeply feeling interiors while steadily observing exteriors. The Integral approach provides us with the opportunity for fullness and freedom with greater capacities to express compassion and love. Integral is the practice of living fully, in a seamless and passionate integration of mind, body and spirit.

From this embodied integration, we are able to transform our lives.But more than just a map, the Integral approach is an invitation to directly experience our own reality, right here, right now.

The call is to integrate, to take a panoramic view of self, culture and nature, and to embrace the insights and tools that serve the highest potential of All.

In short, the Integral Approach helps us to better understand ourselves, others, and the world by providing a framework that embraces seemingly opposing worldviews and perspectives in a way that mends wounds, includes the marginalized, heals the personal and rejoins the systemic in an integrated embrace of greater care, wisdom, and discernment.
- Kelly Sosan Bearer
From the Spiral Dynamics website

Conceived and led by Dr. Don Beck, a leading global authority on value systems, societal change, and stratified democracy, SDi is an advanced extension and elaboration of the biopsychosocial systems concept originated by the late Dr. Clare W. Graves of Union College, New York, and later developed as Spiral Dynamics - a model that Canada’s Maclean’s Magazine rather grandly dubbed “The Theory that Explains Everything.”
Well, almost …

The model describes and makes sense of the enormous complexity of human existence, and then shows how to craft elegant, systemic problem – solutions that meet people and address situations where they are.
Spiral Dynamics TM reveals the hidden complexity codes that shape human nature, create global diversities, and drive evolutionary change. These dynamic Spiral forces attract and repel individuals, form the webs and meshes that connect people within groups, communities and organizations, and forge the rise and fall of nations and cultures.
Spiral Dynamics meshes the new science of memetics with Gravesian value systems to form “value memes” or “vMemes” to craft a model of transformational change. By exploring and describing the core intelligences and deep values that flow beneath what we believe and do, the model offers a profoundly incisive, dynamic perspective on complex matters such as:
This powerful conceptual system has been field-tested in some of the most complex environments on the planet, from inner-city Chicago to racially plagued South Africa. Since the focus is on the deeper vMemetic foundations, Spiral Dynamics suggests ways to move more quickly in the direction of deep dialogue and comprehensive, integral solutions.
Integral + Spiral Dynamics

Integral + Spiral Dynamics

Experimenting to create simple graphics for Integral + Spiral Dynamics
