Profil von Rachel Elaine Giddy

D&AD ‘Take the First Step’ Campaign.

Manifesto copy:
You want to run. Faster than ever. Rip it up. Toss it in the air. All that work. All those hours. Feeling small, disappointed, rejected. The blue sky holding your dreams is grey, daft, dull. It spits angry drops. Even your own tears are not this cold. Yet you feel them. Acknowleging the creative moment. You make a choice. A decision to be brave. A heart full of memory. A box full of colours. A mind swaddled in a warm cloth of ideas. Why you started in the first place. What you are working towards. First steps of bravery. The blood full of thumping potential.
It starts slowly. A big deal. Close to you, close to your vision, smothered, suppressed. You can’t do it. You can. You can’t. You can. The everlasting internal battle between self, and others opinions. Pinterest. Instagram. Facebook. Your creative vision.
Your boss. Your friend. Partner. People. Blogs. Everywhere. Pulling you here. There, a whirlwind so fast one forgets the calling. An overlook of bravery to reach, to strive, to seek, to find. And not to yield.
Run, darling. The creative field is vast and your lungs are capable. This is your dream. Take it with courage.
It’s in you.
Be you.
D&AD ‘Take the First Step’ Campaign.

D&AD ‘Take the First Step’ Campaign.

The brief was to design an enterprise, service or product that will spark a surge in courage to benefit the creative industries. ‘Take the First Mehr anzeigen
