From Doughnut to Donut

“From Doughnut to Donut” A Somewhat Factual History of the Donut

It’s really great to see your in-house projects come to life. This project was something that was first tossed around over a year ago, before the 2015 National Donut Day. Unfortunately, we ended up putting it off and changing it a bit. The original concept was going to involve a bit more humor and some made-up donut facts. After a few drafts of that script, we realized we weren’t landing the comedic style as much as we would have hoped and decided to focus more on a brief history of the donut.
At LooseKeys we love telling stories and when it’s a story about something you love like donuts, the pieces all come together. Diving into this project we also decided to do weekly audio updates about what we were working on, how the project was progressing and the challenges we were facing. 

 The donut is a favorite item for most of the team at LooseKeys but the person that loves it more than anyone else would be Jake Williams. Together, we wanted to celebrate this delightful treat with a video. This short animation showcases how the donut has transcended its simple beginnings and risen to a new level of pastry that is enjoyed at any time of the day, all over the world.
Process and Character Design
Mood Board
Each week while working on this project, we sat down and talked about how the project was going and the challenges we were facing. Hopefully you enjoy this behind the scenes look at the process and what it takes to put together an animated short, in-between doing client work.

Producer: Brad Chmielewski
Creative Director: Jake Williams
Illustration: Ethan Barnowsky & Jake Williams
Animation: Ethan Barnowsky, Brad Chmielewski, Brad Stark & Jake Williams
Sound Design: Maeve Price
Software: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Maxon Cinema 4D
From Doughnut to Donut

From Doughnut to Donut

The donut has seen a rise in popularity and not just as an affordable comfort food but as a gourmet item created and celebrated in unique ways ac 阅读更多内容
